Robertson Brothers Sawmills Pty Ltd entered into an enforceable undertaking with Workplace Health and Safety Queensland, after it failed to adequately guard a bench saw and provide a formal WHS system. The employer’s
failures led to a worker suffering a severe injury to his right arm. The workers was using a long stick to clear debris from the bench saw’s rollers at the time of the incident.
The employer agreed to develop and implement a formal documented workplace health and safety management system before the end of 2013. They also agreed to employ a qualified health and safety consultant to design and
maintain the management system and develop and implement other safety initiatives.
The services of the consultant were to be extended by the employer to Timber Queensland, to assist other employers in similar industries with the creation of WHS initiatives in their workplaces. The company also agreed
to engage ongoing external audits and to make donations to a local nursing home to develop OHS training. The company estimates the costs involved in the undertaking will exceed $270,000.
To protect your employees from injury and your business from the possibility of an enforceable undertaking, you must ensure you implement an occupational health and safety system in your workplace.
All workers must be formally inducted and all safety control measures must be maintained, tested and operable.
Interested in reviewing you safety management system and putting its implementation to the test? Click here to contact us today.
If you require any assistance on this topic contact us here.