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next step

We interviewed Richard Eifler, CEO/Founder of Next Step

ABC radio interview
with Next Step's
Richard Eifler

Why did you start Next Step? 
How has it grown or changed over time?

I started Next Step as I wanted to connect young people with mentors within their local community.  Mentors come from all walks of life and each individual has an array of experience that can be put forward to assist young people facing barriers.  I grew up in a tough neighbourhood and found that with strong mentors in my life, I was able to move forward and gain the experience I needed to start my chosen career in youth services.

At the age of 13 I wanted to become a Youth Worker.  I attended an Outreach Program down at the local park in Bolton Point, run by Peter Moanaroa Aka (Big Pete).  My mother was also a big part of my decision to become a Youth Worker. My mother was the family counsellor growing up.  I come from a large Polynesian family. My mother has a strong social conscience and always had time to listen and support young people in particular.

After leaving school I worked in a number youth services (in Newcastle and Sydney) and in time moved to the Central Coast.  I wanted to start an outreach program that focused on mentoring and building a young person’s capacity to develop skills through realistic goal setting and opportunities to participate in workshops and activities that empowered them.  The hope was to connect young people to mentors within their local community.  I did some research and found that Watanobbi would possibly benefit from a localised Outreach Program.  I met with Kim and Jodie from Wyong Neighbourhood Centre to establish a partnership which, after some negotiation and planning, was a reality.

Prior to engaging Wyong Neighbourhood Centre I spent 12 months building Next Step’s governance. I was able to link in with my community network and gain support from key stakeholders and create an operational board that was able to manage possible growth within Next Step over time. Since Next Step’s establishment as an incorporated association in September 2012, I have had the honour of welcoming Mike Munro (Journalist) and Soa ‘The Hulk’ Palelei as our Ambassadors, Rick Shaw, Lorraine Rogic, Crocq Lucero, Patrick Gosselin, Jenny Grindell, Simon Chhoeu and Codie Close to our board.


Tell us about the work Next Step does and the program or programs you run? 
What differentiates you from other organisations?

Next Step’s Triple M (Me, My Family, My Community) engages young people within Out of Home Care (you might know it as foster care) placements with mentors/life guides.  

Our program connects young people to other services over time and opens up the young person’s support network.  Our program continues to support and connect young people to localised services whom are to support them in various areas of their lives.  

The key to the Triple M program is that it is outcomes based and each mentoring session has a key element within the child or young person’s case plan.

Next Step’s Outreach programs provide an array of skill building workshops and supports that enable young people to be engaged in mentoring, living skills, budgeting, resume writing, social housing application assistance, open mic nights, scooter competitions and touch football.  

Next Step has also recently set up a youth committee who have a voice in Next Step’s programs.  

The Youth Committee were recently engaged by Wyong Council in the Planning of a community mural for the local Watanobbi Community Centre.


What results does Next Step achieve? 
How has your program/s improved over time?

Next Step has grown over the past 2 years and now has contractual agreements for funded mentoring support in the Central Coast and Hunter Region and secured a funded partnership for Outreach Programs within the Central Coast.  

Next Step has recently secured a partnership with Impact Care Solutions (ICS) a Sydney based service providing Out of Home Care services and Outreach services in the Mount Druitt region.  Next Step and ICS will work in partnership delivering outreach programs.  Next Step and ICS Solutions will have 3 workers each fortnight facilitating programs to young people in the Watanobbi Community.  The aim is to ensure consistency and support to local young people.  

Next Step aims to partner with Out of Home Care agencies to facilitate mentoring support to young people in OOHC across Foster Care and Disability Services.  Next Step aims to grow the mentoring program in the Central Coast and across the Hunter Region.

Next Step to date has achieved the following outcomes:

  • Supported young people in building self-esteem and resilience by engaging participants in vocal opportunities, touch football activities, skill building (cooking/budgeting/hygiene).

  • Partnered with Wyong Neighbourhood Centre in spreading awareness of programs offered.

  • Secured funded partnership with Impact Care Solutions. NS and ICS will provide fortnightly Outreach programs in the Watanobbi Community.

  • Secured funded agreements with Leap Frog and Samaritans to deliver mentoring support to young people in Foster Care and Disability placements.

  • The Outreach Program attracts 30+ young people each month.

  • Next Step assisted 13 clients in the following areas: Crisis housing, Mentoring, securing supported accommodation via Pacific Link, Brokerage grants for furniture/white goods over the past 2 years.

  •  Created a youth committee for local young people to have input into the programs developed by Next Step and also provide feedback to Wyong council on government initiatives to young people in the local Wyong Shire.

  • Partnered with Wyong Council to facilitate Neighbour Day (Community Inclusion).

  • Increased awareness of local support services to young people.

  •  Connected young people to positive role models within the local community.

  • Participated in Foster Care events to spread awareness to local Out of Home Care agencies regarding Next Step’s events and programs.

  • Built links to local government agencies Police, Family and Community Services, Community Agencies.

What are your goals for the next three to five years?  What priorities will help you achieve them? 
What barriers are in your way?

Next Step has been operating for the past 2 years on the support of volunteers.  We have seen significant growth over the past 3 months in terms of funded programs and we will continue to grow and diversify to ensure we are able to support young people and families within our programs.  

Next Step will, over the next 3 to 5 years, achieve the following:

  • Engage and apply for State and Federal funding to further support young people and families within our programs.

  • Build key relationships with corporate funders and local business.

  •  Continue to build the Triple M (Me, My Family, My Community) based mentoring program.

  • Continue to build Outreach Programs in the Central Coast.

What is most important to you about Next Step,  mission, core values or vision?

The most important aspect of Next Step is to improve outcomes for all young people, particularly those who are vulnerable or at risk.  My hope is to engage young people with mentors within their community to establish connecting points and support as they move forward in their lives. 

I also have strong conviction to our values and living out these values.  Our values of respect, acceptance, patience, integrity, innovation are at the heart of all our programs.  

Our staff have a firm belief in what Next Step is aiming to achieve and it shows in the outcomes we achieve with our young people whom engage in our programs.

How can an organisation or individual become involved with Next Step?

The best way to become involved in Next Step is to call or email myself at richard.eifler@nextstep.org.au and we can talk about how you can get involved.

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